Undelivered Letter to the Life: Because I Needed to Survive !!

“Undelivered Letter to Life, when I found nothing around
           Failed to Enter End Button, because I needed to Survive"

Many a Time I decided to Quit,
But look I am Still going on

Dear Life,

I know you are doing great with me or with Everyone on this Planet but sitting ideally at home with no work & Pressure I started remembering you and the time when I used to hate being with you. Then I decided to write an official mail to inform you of such bad moments when I hated to be with you.

Many times I ignored myself & choose others, sometimes I distanced myself for others, Many Time I got Stumbled by others, Still got up like a blind with an open heart for others but was not  ready to realize what I was doing with myself. 

Then there was a Stage When my Mind & my body was unable to survive. I was suffocating. I started expecting from closed ones, only to discover that there was no one around.

 The worst was yet to come, When dear life you snatched my sweetest thing from me. A Pure soul inside the Dog. Her eyes looked at me all the time, whispering -" don't worry I am with you". On her last Day when you came to bring her with you she refused to be with me like she knew that I cried a lot. She taught me a lesson on that day.

"Those who truly Love will never hurt you; stop crying for people for their Love, support & care. Those who love you, will be with you with all their heart and soul.

So, Dear Life, here I am a whole new person, living the decision to finish you because I have to live for myself.

By Self-Lover l My Preoccupied Thoughts l


  1. Realistic thoughts....we often come across some times in life.

  2. Your blogs always make me imagine things, that I can relate to..keep writing you doing a great job, more importantly you are a very passionate and pure soul.
    You pour emotions so simply...keep up the good work.


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