State of being Insecure!!

What is Insecurity??

Well, the meaning of an Insecurity may differ from one to another. Insecurity Means for Few, May not safe in an Environment or have less confidence or fewer abilities to accomplish any task may be called as insecurity. Some of them have fear of not giving their best in a relationship with their family and friends in terms of time, care, love, Money, Advice is also a state of being Insecure.

In my case, I get insecure or panic in small things, such as before sending any Email or letter or Information to anyone. Feel like Did I mentioned everything as I have to write, did I forget something important or did I misspell or some grammatical errors? What the reader will think about me What if the reader doesn't like or making fun of my writing?

Worry a lot about what others think, even though I fully realize that many Readers don't know much about me personally or who Know me not that much affected or might be I am good enough but due to insecurity or anxiety not able to identify my caliber.

A State of Always performs well in also a kind of Insecurity which I found in me. To be a Good Friend or Good partner or Good Employee or Good Daughter. It's ok to not Good always, It's ok to do mistakes, It's ok to make them hurt, but it's difficult to make myself understood To Not to be Good Everywhere is "Completely OK". Now the question arises why we want to be perfect everywhere? And the answer is," Fear of Losing" If we are not a good friend, My friend will leave me, If not become a good Employee, My Employer will choose someone else over me. This the Real Insecurity!!

An ideology which found later on in growing age, No one is can't Be perfect all the time, Those who choose you, choose everything in you, Good or Bad, Positive or Negative. So you don't need to be perfect all the time with them, you need to be Real You, as "Real is Rare".

Ayushi's Preoccupied thoughts !!


  1. You need to be Real You, as "Real is Rare".

    Well said..

  2. How D world sees u will make only a small difference to u, but how u see urself will make all d difference to u.

  3. Real and True person never afraid with insecurity.......if someone is not guilty of doing anythhing wrong then she/he doesn't need to be insecure.


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