5 lies about Friendship: That you Probably Know !

5 Truth  Lies about Friendship-That you Probably Don't Know

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Currently During Lockdown, various Ancient and Spiritual Episodes running over Television. Out of these epic episodes, One which inspired me a lot, that is "MAHABHARAT-Story of PANDAVAS & KAURAVAS". focusing on the one heart touching moment, When Pandavas put the honor of his wife Draupadi in gambling, then Krishna himself had to come to save Draupadi's honor in the hall when not even her husbands, protected her during that Embarrassing moment.

Lord Krishna & Draupadi, sharing the pure friendship which all about Sacrifice, selfishness, and standing shoulder to shoulder. God himself has taught the creatures to love and sacrifice themselves with their character and related events.

God's word has a lot to say about friendship. This should matter to us because it matters to God but knowing everything, we strongly believe in some lies and keep following and act accordingly.

Let try to describe some of the lies which maybe sounds familiar.

     1.  Friendship is a life-long

Not all the time, friendship goes so long. Few friendships are just for a season with reason. Your current situation in life draws the line of friendship you have. Some get closer or get separated. Friends come and go in our lives is that friendships have an "ebb and flow" to them, similar to that of the ocean.

2. Friendship is a ship that Never sinks

Wrong! Friends make assumptions about you. They judge you and expected from you all the time. So this is completely wrong to say that this ship never sinks. It sinks so many times, but it also gets repair is another side of the story.

3.  Friends, I don't need

Oh Really! This is one of the most common lies I've heard regarding friendships among believers. Everyone needs some close one to support us, to help us to grow, to help us to introspect.

    4. My friends are Act, behave and think like me

Few ones not everyone! Friendship is always versatile. It's completely considered to make them close to whom we found some similarities in liking and choices but diversity makes this relationship more beautiful. 

      5.  Don't have time for friends

Friendship also requires an investment of time, emotions, and efforts. Real friends did not require so much commitment and expectations. But it requires efforts to make your friends special, and give time and attention simultaneously for what important to us. Anyone who wants to be your friend expects a little time from you, which we can afford easily if wanted to do it.

      6. Bonus: I have so many Friends

300+ Facebook friends, 500 + followers on Instagram, or many more, huge crowd added in our social media life. It's a very well known truth that "The more real you are,circle will so small with full of emotions, reality, and values but in a bigger circle you will found yourself alone and no one besides you."

Bonus I have added extra because these lies are observed by me very closely and I know many of you witnessed the same in your surroundings.

In sum up, just added the fact that your friendship can be with any one. For Draupadi, Lord Krishna was her friends.

So you hold the hand of God to be as your best friend or your mother or other family members or with your Pet could share the great bond with you with Zero Expectations.

furthermore, let share your views what you have experienced in your life in related with the thoughts that i have mentioned above or others, if any.

Ayushi's Preoccupied Thoughts


  1. Friendship is unconditional ❤️ it's the purest form of any relationship, it's the bridge that fills the gap which even relations connected with blood do not. I agree to most of your lines. But I have a friend who understands me more than I myself do. Keep writing...ur lines are an eye-opener for a larger Audience...
    And yes, its as selfless as - Krishna and Draupadi's...!

    1. Hi Reader !

      Thanks for your Mentioning your opinion about "Friendship" with real life Example of yours.

  2. Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.
    Sometimes we get an extraordinary person in our life who suggests us each and every step and stays with us in our happiness and sorrow, and I can proudly say that I have one of them. I agree with most of your lines. Your thoughts awakens the readers' inner self and lead them to see aspects of life in a new way.

    Keep posting your preoccupied thoughts.
    Happy Writing

  3. You define friendship very well. These kind of feeling must be in heart of everyone to serve best for society.

  4. Friendship doesn't required any proof it is so beautiful and you can See it between Krishan and Draupadi.
    The more real you are,circle will so small with full of emotions, reality, and values.. This is what anyone wants me.. Real friend don't require any commitment or anything else they are behind you whenever You Need them.
    Very good.. Keep writing like this.


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