My 14 Days Exotic Destination of Self-Isolation

"My Exotic Destination" -14 Days of Self-Isolation

After four days I came to know about the positive result of my COVID test. Between witnessing the first symptoms like, choking the throat to the Result of COVID test. I consulted the doctor and asked Straight Questions. What are the Symptoms of COVID infection? I Started the medication but in the back of my mind, I was hoping it's just a viral or seasonal issue and not ready to accept the fact I am also one of those who is infected by this disease.


I started feeling ill on August 6. It started with throat pain and dry cough at night but I paid little heed to it and took  hot water throughout the night. The Next morning, I was unable to speak a single word and found difficulty in speaking by that time, I had a persistent fever of 100 degrees or higher, chills, acute muscle aches. later I realized that my sense of taste and smell was lost.

Meanwhile, understanding the graveness of the  situation, I contacted the Doctor over call, and straight away asked about the COVID symptoms. During the discussion, without creating any panic and rush, Doctor qualified me for COVID Positive based on the symptoms which I had discussed. They Prescribed me some homeopathic medication along with natural remedies to follow. Mainly he suggested me Complete isolation at home. I did the same. but inside my mind was not ready to accept the fact that I was infected with this infection.


On the afternoon of 10th August, My test was done at home & Very Next day I got a call from the district hospital that I tested Positive. My details were added in their database with my area details. They asked me to get admitted as soon as possible but I choose to stay at home with complete isolation.
In initial days, there were sleepless nights, severe headache which I never witnessed before. This was a time when I needed my family members the most and ironically all were  around but to prevent them from this transmission , we  maintained social distancing as much as possible. On the other hand, I wanted to be unplug myself from Everyone either over call or social media. Because I knew the fact, the more I interact with people, & Discuss what I am going through, the more I found myself disturbed and helpless.

Revival journey of "The Covid Positive Patient"

On the other hand, Every day I got a call from COVID Control Room Team, District Hospitals, and other Team who was  assigned by the government area wise,  to know about my well being and monitoring my day to day symptoms over call. My Area get sealed by the officials on the very next day. People in my area were aware about the first corona positive Patient, that's me "The Covid Patient". It felt like I did something wrong or an odd one who invited the Virus.

In the End, As a Counsel part, I must say, It all depends on your will power. More than medicines, a COVID positive patient needs mental strength. Since there is  no treatment available to treat the virus, the doctors advised most patients to take paracetamol, multivitamins, warm water, Natural Remedies, & intake of Vitamin enriched fruits. I kept checking my fever with the help of a thermometer and an oximeter to keep a check on my pulse. 

When I wanted food, I asked my mother to leave it at my door or anything which I required. I had separate utensils. My Food was  transferred to my utensils. I don't have a TV in my room. I had my phone, so I spend my time connecting with a few close ones over the call or watched videos.

For someone who enjoys the company of people, to be in quarantine was a task. It messed up my sleep cycle too. Mornings became my nights. There was no motivation But I realized that I needed to let go of the guilt of not being able to be productive because the situation was unforeseen and new to us. So I told myself that it was going to get better and eventually, it did. 

Now I am feeling Normal with a bitter Experience.Maybe that virus  is out of my system or might be still inside but for sure, Now my body is ready to fight with it. I felt like I was at an exotic destination. Though I have recovered, I have strains of fatigue. Being in isolation does that to you. I still avoid coming in contact with people. It's not paranoia, it's a sense of responsibility that I have learned along the way.

"Instead of worrying about the situations which you can't control, we should be more focused on what best you can create".


This phase was undoubtedly, tougher for me, but it were toughest for my family members. who care about me 24*7 without thinking about themselves. A word of thanks is not enough for them but blessed to have them in my life. Some are who were not there but give their support day & night over call. Who tried to make me laugh all time.A Heart felt thank you  for their Support, care & love.

Hope the world to be a safer place ❤️


  1. Get well soon, u r a true Warrior and u proved it.

    1. Just because of the courage and motivation that received from you time to time in my tough time.

  2. You are a good warrior and also full of confidence. Like every field, your victory in this war is also sure and will continue to happen. It will definitely accept defeat in front of your self-confidence. Circumstances are sometimes not favorable to us but happen with the passage of time. This time will also pass. Get well soon dear.

  3. One of the very close to heart but distant apart fighting her own fights and self motivation comes from the way you see the life... One push them to death when the life want them to survive. But few of them obviously one of them is you who made the way to come back to life . Most important to this was experiencing this phase close to ur mind and heart and pen it down the way you passed the journey.
    I know this would have made you more confident to live your life but influencing others to fight the same are very less.. I would just thank you for sharing it to us. . If even one have read and motivated to life when quarantined your article earned valueless value. Looking forward for such more heartouching and bit concerned articles from you. My warm wishes to you for this. ..

  4. Thank God you are recovered now..
    No doubt days were toughest


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